What is an umbilical cord?
First of all it is important to explain what the umbilical cord actually is. The umbilical cord is a tube like structure that connects the baby to the mother's placenta. Throughout pregnancy, the umbilical cord carries blood rich nutrients and oxygen between the mother to the baby.
After birth, the cord is clamped with metal forceps and is cut so baby is no longer attached to the placenta.
This photo shows the cord after it has been cut (it is actually my 4th baby Primrose!)
The cord then needs to be sealed off by a clamp or cord tie, this helps to stop bleeding from blood vessels in the umbilical cord.
Although the most widely used cord clamp is the hard plastic cord clamp. It is also the bulkiest and least environmentally-sound choice available. Instead of this clamp a cord tie may be used. The clamp or cord tie remains attached to the cord stump on baby until it has dried up and fallen off.
What does a plastic clamp look like?
These photos show the standard clamp that is commonly used in hospitals today. It is 6.5cm in length and made of plastic.
Why use a cotton crochet umbilical cord tie?
Pregnant women are choosing to use a cord tie instead for a number of reasons –
A soft cord tie is more comfortable for baby against their skin therefore it is believed that:
- the belly button heals quicker
- baby is more settled
- the cord is tugged and caught less, aiding healing
A soft cord tie makes skin to skin contact and breastfeeding more comfortable
It looks nicer than a plastic clamp
It reduces plastic waste
It can be a beautiful keepsake (many people frame the cord tie afterwards in a box frame or add it to their child’s memory box)
These photos show what a crochet cotton umbilical cord tie looks like.
Are cord ties safe?
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has stated that they have no reservations about the use of traditional cord ties. They recommend that cord ties are:
At least 15cm long
100% cotton for strength. Cotton can also be boiled and won’t fray or breakdown like wool.
All Prim-a-Bella cord ties are made from 100% cotton and are at least 15cm long.
Plastic Clamp v Umbilical Cord Tie
Ultimately the choice is yours but I certainly know which one I would rather have against my own skin!
Don't forget to purchase your beautiful handmade umbilical cord tie here at - www.primabellacordties.com